Memories Bring Back Feelings

May 31, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

... Feelings Bring Back Memories - Unknown

This is an article I saw a few weeks ago which is a warning to each and everyone of us from Google owner Vint Cerf! Computers are a helpful tool for us in our everyday life. At work or personal use it makes all those tasks we take for granted just that little bit easier. So easy we all do take things for granted the next time we turn on our computer all the work we have been saving and working on will still be there....... But will it? Computers have the habit of going wrong when we just don't want them too or have time to deal with them. Which leads to us spending a lot of time on the phone to a friend, more knowledgeable grandchildren or to technical support which can be frustrating, time consuming and lead to an expensive addition tu our phone bill. We all really need to prepare for the worst and act and taking precautions right now backing up onto as many formats as we can...  And on a regular basis in preparation that, that fatal day does come to us.

Vint Cerf explains in this interview, while we're happy to take pictures of loved ones on our phones, DSLR or point and shoot camera's. Storing these images on our electronic devices along with other personal information we are all taking a risk of losing it! What if we lose our device or the hard drive fails through normal wear and tear, bad luck, an accident with a glass of water or outright malicious intent. All our memories would be lost, forever which would be an awful, awful as  shame.

Basically turn back your clock, back to the 1980's and Truprints '30 day service'. While todays technology makes our lives easier! Take a leaf out of your grandparents book and create an album or get pictures `printed' (regularly)and store them in a shoe box in he loft somewhere. The more copies and backups we have the less chance of disaster and the more chances we can save our memories and pass them down to loved ones.

It's a simple but true phrase …

Photographs bring back memories. Memories bring back feelings - Unknown



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