DSLR Vs Mobile Phone

November 08, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

DSLR vs Mobile Phone

In 2013 one of America’s largest papers the Sun-Times took the SURPRISE decision to make professional photographers that they employed… redundant. They felt that these professional photographers were surplus to their requirements but sent each photographer a memo about training to take pictures on Apple’s iPhone? This is going to begin the debate between the photographer with a very expensive DSLR camera and the ordinary person who uses their mobile phone to take those family pictures but calls themselves a photographer also? In this day and age everyone carries a mobile phone around with them, it is part of everyday life and as valuable as our house keys and wallet.

Phones have made things even easier now, that we can pay for items in stores with our mobiles making it no so important we need to carry our wallets/purses all of the time. With the mobile able to be whipped out of one’s bag or pocket we can immediately capture the sun rising/setting or family moment within seconds with, pretty pleasing results. Results that can easily be shared with a few swipes of the finger to family friends and those on social media. I believe these good results are in situations with slow moving objects near perfect lighting and surroundings. The DSLR camera has been around for years and each year the photography manufactures find ways to build the next model with fantastic improvements to the last. 

I believe currently the difference between a DSLR and mobile phone is the difference between day and night or chalk and cheese. The mobile phone sits in one’s pocket and guess what every professional photographer will carry one of these too. The DSLR mind you carries a heavy bag full of changeable lenses but is more flexible in getting the desired results in a variety of lighting when you only have one chance and one chance only to capture that! Moment.
Obviously I feel if you like photography and work within the industry a proper DSLR is the way to take pictures. DSLR improve every year but the mobile phone cameras are improving, are improving more at a quicker rate and one day, maybe one day with the help of new technology a mobile phone will be able to take better pictures than a DSLR camera across all categories sports, portraits, wildlife, nightlife etc. But until “’Q” in Mi5 releases James Bond’s prototype camera’s in a mobile phone form a DSLR has to be your first choice of equipment which leads back to the first point, how or why would you sack your team of photographers in favour of an iPhone? With the suspicious mind of mine could someone have taken a little sweetener to bring a box load of iPhone’s on board for their staff if you push out the trained and proven photographers? There just is no logic to that decision. Even more so now just like Leicester in the premier league last season the Chicago Cubs have just won the World Series. A huge achievement, a moment cemented in history captured and printed on one side a DSLR professional camera and the other captured and printed from a mobile phone :- :HERE:

Can you blatantly see the difference, which picture is better? The decision to offload the professionals in favour of the latest mobile phone doesn’t seem such a wise choice if you ask me. Someone will be getting their knuckles wrapped I am sure of that because I’m pretty sure journalists didn’t ask “Siri” to write the newspaper article for them to place alongside these pictures


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